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Receiving restrictions

E-service allows to receive an informative notice on changes to the cases in which the user is identified as a party to the users’ e-mail address. The notice provides general information on the changes to the case. Fee for using the service is 15,00 EUR per year.

Process description

  1. Application
    User must apply to the Court Administration stating that a connection to the Court Proceedings Monitoring Service is required. The application may also be submitted electronically (such electronic document must be prepared in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents) by sending it to the official e-mail of the Court Administration.

  2. Prepayment of the service
    Court administration, upon receipt of the application for the use of the service, prepares and sends the bill/invoice to the submitter for the prepayment of the service.

  3. Connection of the service
    The user (a natural or legal person) after the receipt of an invoice, makes a prepayment of the service, and informs the Court Administration thereof (by sending a copy of the payment order). After receiving a copy of a payment order, Court Administration allows the user to receive (to the user's registered e-mail address) information on changes in cases in which the respective natural or legal person is registered as a party. Monitoring of court proceedings is available to the user for one year from the moment the service is granted.